Statement from LBT Regarding the incident on 9/5/2021 | Long Beach Transit

On Sunday, September 5, 2021, an altercation occurred between two males onboard an LBT bus travelling northbound on Atlantic Ave. at Carson St. The Operator immediately stopped the bus and contacted the communications control center for assistance.

For their personal safety and to avoid escalating matters, Bus Operators are trained to immediately call the communications control center for assistance. When this incident occurred, the LBT Bus Operator followed protocol because the safety and security of all LBT customers is a top priority. The bus was already stopped, and the Bus Operator immediately reported the incident to the communications control center. Moreover, the Operator asked the individual on the bus if he needed any assistance from public safety. As has been reported, the man that assaulted the young man left the bus. In this instance, the individual on the bus was not visibly in need of assistance and stated that he was okay. An LBT Supervisor was sent to the bus, and with the customer indicating he was okay, the bus continued its scheduled route.

Subsequently, LBT provided all relevant information related to altercation to LBPD. Yesterday, LBT was informed that LBPD arrested a suspect in connection with the incident.

LBT thanks the dedicated police officers for the quick action.