Code of Conduct
Long Beach Transit (LBT) provides valuable transit connections between customers and the cities we serve. We want all customers to have their best ride when they board our buses and water taxis, getting to and from their destination in the most enjoyable way possible.
To enhance the experience of riding with LBT, the Board of Directors adopted a Customer Code of Conduct to outline expected behaviors for anyone using LBT services.
The following list of behaviors applies to all public and non-public areas of LBT property. Actions deemed “bad behaviors” are defined as conduct prohibited on, at, or in all LBT properties.

Animals aboard LBT
Just because it’s cute, doesn’t mean it can come aboard.
Bad Behavior
1.1 Bringing prohibited animals without placing them in a carrier. Emotional support, therapy, comfort and companion pets are not considered service animals and therefore must be kept in a carrier when on LBT property. Bringing carriers that block the aisle or doorway. All pet carriers must be rigid and have locks or latches.
Best Behavior
We love service animals as permitted by the Americans with Disabilities Act and all other applicable state and federal laws. As long as these pets are under control and accompanied by an individual with a disability or a person responsible for training the animal, they’re welcome aboard.
Solicitation aboard LBT
We’ll take you to the store, but we’re not a marketplace.
Bad Behavior
2.1 Engaging in unauthorized commercial activity. LBT must grant expressed written permission for anyone to sell goods or services, or solicit money.
2.2 Giving commercial handbills or flyers to bus operators or customers.
Best Behavior
Our clean, safe and comfortable buses are perfect for conversation, reading books on marketing, creating a new slogan, or brainstorming new business ideas. We’re a place for thinking, not selling.
Conduct aboard LBT
Common sense for the common good.
Bad Behavior
3.1 Spitting, urinating, defecating.
3.2 Littering.
3.3 Bringing commercial or large-sized carts or dollies on LBT properties unless collapsed, securely held and not blocking walkways.
3.4 Roller skating, rollerblading, or skateboarding.
3.5 Indecent exposure.
3.6 Lewd acts.
3.7 Other disorderly conduct that prevents customers and employees from comfortably using LBT property and stations for their intended purpose.
3.8 Stealing from or purposefully damaging LBT property and stations.
3.9 Not securely holding strollers or small carts.
3.10 Blocking aisles or walkways with strollers or small carts.
Best Behavior
Shirts and shoes are required at all times. Bring your personal belongings on the bus, just make sure they’re not on any seats or blocking the walkway. After that, sit back and admire the beautiful views and diverse communities we serve.
Fares aboard LBT
Turns out, you can put a price on an amazing public transportation experience.
Bad Behavior
4.1 Refusing to pay a fare, or show specific fare media to an LBT employee or transit enforcement officer.
4.2 Misusing fare media.
4.3 Distributing or selling counterfeit or stolen fare media.
Best Behavior
Obtain a TAP Card, or download the app, or gather exact change together to make sure you board our vehicles hassle-free.
Ingestibles aboard LBT
We’re talking food, drink, alcohol, and drugs.
Bad Behavior
5.1 Bringing open food or beverage containers onto vehicles. (If your beverage has a lid or a seal, we’re okay with it. Just make sure to close it up when you’re not drinking it.)
5.2 Bringing open containers of alcohol, except in designated areas on certain water vessels.
5.3 Smoking tobacco or other substances, or using e-cigarettes or vaporizers.
5.4 Using any controlled substance.
Best Behavior
Long Beach is full of amazing restaurant and bar experiences. Check the LBT service map and plan a delicious night out with your friends.
Noise aboard LBT
We can hear you.
Bad Behavior
6.1 Inappropriate use of audio devices. Your music, podcasts, games, and children’s choir recitals are yours alone to enjoy and must not be audible to other customers.
6.2 Engaging in boisterous, unreasonably loud or otherwise disorderly conduct, including loud cell phone conversations.
6.3 Causing disruptive sounds, such as language and noise that is abusive, loud, violent, threatening, or inebriated.
Best Behavior
The bus is not a library. So feel free to have a normal conversation with your friends, family, and seatmates. Here, we’ll give you a topic: L.A. traffic.
Boarding, Riding, Exiting LBT
How to make your way on and off LBT.
Bad Behavior
7.1 Remaining aboard when not allowed. Do not stay on after a vehicle has completed its route and customers have been told to exit, or when a vehicle enters a garage or other area off-limits to the public.
7.2 Entering an LBT vehicle after being told not to do so by authorized personnel. Remaining on properties, vehicles, or water vessels if banned from those premises.
7.3 Entering, exiting, or passing through any emergency doors in non-emergency situations.
7.4 Entering the operator’s seat of any vehicle or water vessel in non-emergency situations.
7.5 Boarding through the rear exit door, unless told to do so by authorized personnel.
7.6 Standing in front of the yellow line at the front of a vehicle near the operator’s seat.
7.7 Assault or threat of assault.
7.8 Willful hindering or disturbing the operation, operator, or customers.
7.9 Fighting.
7.10 Harassing, threatening, following or stalking LBT customers and employees.
7.11 Avoiding or interfering with security measures, such as video cameras or metal detectors.
Best Behavior
The bus is a great place to catch up on homework, read a book, or text a friend. It’s a place to set an intention for the day to come, or wind down after a productive afternoon. It’s a temporary, harmonious community that thrives with your full cooperation.
Weapons aboard LBT
Please keep our buses weapon free.
Bad Behavior
8.1 Using a match, lighter, or torch.
8.2 Carrying an explosive, acid, or flammable liquid.
8.3 Bringing any dangerous items, including: destructive devices, hoax devices, toxic or poisonous substances, containers of caustic materials, unsecured fishing rods with exposed hooks or lures, sheet glass, and other sharp objects.
8.4 Bringing any dangerous weapon, including firearms.
Best Behavior
If you want to play with something sharp, how about your mind? Can you finish a crossword puzzle by the time you reach your destination?
Other Public Offenses
Covering the rest of our bases.
Bad Behavior
9.1 LBT expressly prohibits all acts or omissions which are considered public offenses as defined in the California Penal Code, Vehicle Code, Health and Safety Code, Welfare and Institutions Code, or any other statute, and to which a penalty is attached that includes either fine, incarceration, or both.
9.2 Persons who are cited or arrested for any public offense on LBT property and stations are automatically expelled from access to the service for 24 hours from the time of arrest or citation. Unauthorized re-entry onto LBT property and stations following such an expulsion may result in an arrest for trespass.
Best Behavior
At the end of the day, follow the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you to create a great experience for everyone.