Meet Daniel
Daniel Lucero has lived in Long Beach for 15 years, and during that time he’s seen the city grow and experienced the traffic that comes with it. Instead of complaining about the problem, Daniel decided to be a proactive part of the solution – and he’s been using LBT to get to work in Anaheim every day since.
If you ask Daniel why he loves Long Beach Transit so much, you won’t get just one answer. He chooses Transit for the friendly operators who love what they do, the clean and comfortable buses, and the fact that LBT goes everywhere in the city. “The bus gives me a sense of freedom. Instead of being cooped up in a car on the freeway, I’m able to meet people and keep my costs down in the process,” he says.
Daniel doesn’t only collect experiences aboard LBT – he collects TAP cards, too. Lots of them. It started with the 75 year Union Station anniversary design and has grown ever since. “I’m probably only missing about ten that I haven’t been able to get my hands on yet,” Daniel proudly explains.
Daniel hopes to inspire more people to try Transit. Why? Well, simply put: “It’s the best service out there!”