Long Beach Transit and Moovit Partner to Provide Customers an Easy Way to Plan Travel | ridelbt.com Long Beach Transit

Moovit has been chosen by Long Beach Transit as its Official Mobility Partner to provide customers a smoother journey on public transit.

LONG BEACH, CALIF. (April 6, 2021) – Long Beach Transit announced a partnership with Moovit, an Intel company and creator of the #1 urban mobility app, to provide customers with an app to plan their trips with real-time arrival information for the smoothest possible journey around the community.

As the community emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, and students, commuters and visitors plan travel, LBT and Moovit want to make the choice easier through a mobility app available for iOS and Android. The free Moovit app combines official information from Long Beach Transit, as well as crowdsourced information to calculate the best route for each journey using urban mobility options such as bus, light rail, bike share, Uber and Lyft.

The Moovit app provides customers with real-time information, so they know exactly when their bus arrives; a Live Directions feature with Get Off Alerts to provide step-by-step guidance for the entire journey; and Service Alerts so they can avoid disruptions on routes and plan their journey. Moovit also incorporates accessibility features, empowering with mobility challenges to use public transportation with more assurance. The app is optimized with screen-reading features for low-vision users, including TalkBack/VoiceOver capabilities; identifies wheelchair-accessible routes and stations; as well as calculates step-free routes. Moovit’s app is also designed with optimized menus and buttons for those with hand-motor disabilities.

“The partnership between Long Beach Transit and Moovit will enhance the customer experience and make travel easier,” said Kenneth McDonald, Long Beach Transit’s President and CEO. “The partnership addresses a common complaint from customers that they do not know when their bus will arrive. The Moovit app provides real-time alerts and step-by-step directions to make travel much easier.”

Customers using the Moovit app will also receive service alerts and communication from LBT. Thousands of LBT customers already use the Moovit app and will soon receive alerts from the app already on their phone.

“Public transit is an essential component of any sustainable urban transportation system,” said Yovav Meydad, Moovit’s Chief Growth and Marketing Officer. “Precise trip planning information helps customers avoid delays and lessen waiting times, making it more attractive. The new web trip planner on Long Beach Transit’s website, as well as integrating LBT information in the Moovit app will help make the entire journey experience seamless, more comfortable and take less time.”

About Long Beach Transit

Long Beach Transit is dedicated to connecting communities and moving people, making everyday life better by providing transportation services in Long Beach, Lakewood, Signal Hill, as well as Artesia, Bellflower, Carson, Cerritos, Compton, Downey, Hawaiian Gardens, Los Alamitos, Norwalk, Paramount and Seal Beach. For more information, visit www.ridelbt.com.

About Moovit

Moovit (www.moovit.com), an Intel company, is a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions provider and the creator of the #1 urban mobility app. Moovit was acquired by Intel in 2020 to join forces with Mobileye and advance its MaaS strategy. Together, Moovit and Mobileye will accelerate the global adoption of autonomous transportation.

Moovit’s iOS, Android, and Web apps guide people in getting around town effectively and conveniently, using any mode of transport. Introduced in 2012, it now serves over 950 million users in more than 3,400 cities across 112 countries.

Moovit amasses up to six billion anonymous data points a day to add to the world’s largest repository of transit and urban mobility data. For governments, cities, transit agencies and private companies, Moovit offers AI-powered MaaS solutions covering planning, operations, and optimization with proven value in reducing congestion, growing ridership, as well as increasing efficiency and asset utilization. Industry leaders such as Microsoft, Uber and Cubic have partnered with Moovit to power their mobility offerings.