Meet Gary Spears
Gary Spears has been riding with LBT to get to the Grand Prix of Long Beach (GPLB) since 1983. After realizing how easy and convenient our service was to get to this popular event, he started riding with LBT regularly.
“It got to the point where I didn’t have to carry the guidebook with the scheduled times, because I learned most of the routes, how often they ran, and how they connected to where I wanted to go,” shared Gary.
Gary was a Long Beach resident for 37 years, but now lives in Tucumcari, New Mexico. He considers himself a “long-distance, long-time customer.” Anytime he is in Long Beach visiting family, friends or attending the GPLB, he is prepared to ride LBT.
“When I come to visit, I make sure to have my Senior TAP Card with me and I am able to get up and go,” he shared.
The reduced fare TAP Card for seniors allows Gary to qualify for reduced fare. To learn more about discounts available for seniors, visit ridelbt.com/seniors.
In his free time, this Indy Car race fan likes to get his steps in by walking a few miles a day. Gary wants to ensure he stays healthy and in shape so he can walk into and around the races. Just this year alone, he attended races in Portland, Salinas and Long Beach. He also likes to play cribbage, dominoes and spend time with family and friends.
Thank you for riding with LBT, Gary. See you at the Grand Prix in April!