Meet Matthew Campbell
Matthew Campbell has been an LBT customer for more than 20 years. Born and raised in Long Beach, Matthew started riding LBT while in high school. His father had always taken the bus, and when Matthew was old enough, he started showing him the ropes.
Matthew lives in the Bluff Park neighborhood and takes Route 121 to work in Belmont Shore almost every day.
“I love the convenience of taking the bus,” said Matthew. “I’m able to go anywhere I want in the city at an affordable price, and it sure beats having to pay for gas or a rideshare service.”
Matthew’s favorite route also happens to be the route he takes the most.
“I love the scenic view of the ocean on my way to work. All the operators are nice, and I’ve met some interesting people from all different types of backgrounds on the 121.”
Thank you, Matthew, for trusting LBT to get you to work every day. We look forward to continuing serving you and our community as we start 2022.
Visit ridelbt.com/basics to learn more about how you can get your LBT journey started for your everyday transportation needs this new year.