Meet Omarr Castillo
Omarr Castillo is a Stops and Zones Assistant who began his career with LBT five years ago as a Custodian before joining the Customer Amenities team. He was born and raised in Long Beach and enjoys getting to serve the community where he lives.
You could say that for Omarr, working for LBT was meant to be. When he applied to LBT, his father shared that he and his mother had first met at an LBT bus stop!
“My dad used to work at the offshore oil rig in Long Beach and used LBT as his main transportation. One day, he got to his bus stop on Long Beach Blvd. and Anaheim St. and there was a woman also waiting for the bus. He didn’t know it then, but that woman was my mom,” shared Omarr. “When the bus arrived, he let her board the bus first and then sat near her. My dad started up a conversation and during the bus ride they exchanged phone numbers. They’ve been married for 34 years now!”
The Customer Amenities team services and maintains more than 2,000 bus stops in LBT’s service area, which requires constant work out in the field.
“My favorite part of my job is the work we do for the community members who use our services every single day,” shared Omarr. “Like my parents used to, so many people rely on LBT to get them to where they need to go, and our team works to make sure they have a clean and safe bus stop to wait at.”
Thank you, Omarr and the Customer Amenities team for helping LBT keep the community moving!
If you have a passion for serving your community, like Omarr, visit ridelbt.com/careers to find our job opportunities.